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Parishes located near Scout Camps
Click the camp's name for the nearest parish website. Other parishes may be more conveniently located on the trip home.
Click here to see Archdiocese of Indianapolis Parish listings. Mass Times will locate parishes (and masses) nearest your campsite.
Boy Scout Council Camps
Crossroads of America
Ransburg Scout Reservation
(Bloomington, IN)
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Camp Belzer (Indianapolis, IN)
St. Lawrence Catholic Church
Camp Kikthawenund (Frankton, IN)
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Camp Kritenstein (Center Point, IN)
Annunciation Catholic Church
Camp Wildwood (Terre Haute, IN)
Sacred Hearth of Jesus Catholic Church
St Patrick Catholic Church
Lincoln Heritage
Camp Badgett (Owensboro, KY)
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Harry S Frazier Jr Scout Reservation
(Shepherdsville, KY)
Saint Aloysius Shepherdsville Catholic Church
Camp Roy C Manchester (Benton, KY)
Tunnel Mill Scout Reservation (Charlestown, IN)
St. Michael (Charlestown) is closest of the two parishes listed
in this website
Hoosier Trails
Maumee Scout Reservation (Norman, IN)
St. Mary's (North Vernon) is closest of the three parishes listed
in this website.
Camp Louis Ernst (Dupont, IN)
Buffalo Trace
Girl Scout Council Camps
Central Indiana
Southwest Indiana (Cannelton, IN)
Camp Henry F Koch
Western Ohio
Kentuckiana, Inc.

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